Brian MacCraith received his B.Sc and PhD in physics (Optical Spectroscopy of chromium-doped crystals) at NUI, Galway. Prof MacCraith is renowned internationally for his research on optical chemical sensors and biosensors; he has a substantial track record of publications and intellectual property in this area. In October 1999, he became founding Director of the National Centre for Sensor Research (NCSR; www.ncsr.ie) at DCU. The NCSR has now grown to a scale of 240 researchers. In August 2001, Prof. MacCraith was elected to Fellowship of the Institute of Physics. Four years later, a spin-off company (Gas Sensor Solutions) based on technology developed by Prof. MacCraith won the Liavan Mallin Invent Award for innovation. In October 2005, he was appointed Director of the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute (BDI; www.bdi.ie) with funding of €22.5m. Currently, he is a member of the Forfas Advisory Council on Science, Technology & Innovation and the Government-appointed High-Level Steering Group on Research Prioritisation. In July 2010, he was inaugurated as President of Dublin City University, a position that he held for 10 years.
Barney Whelan retired from An Post as Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs in 2016. He is currently working on a number of exciting projects. Having spent many years in the aquaculture industry, he was responsible for public relations and brand communications at the ESB from 1992 to 2002. He subsequently held the position of Director, Sales and Marketing at safefood, The Food Safety Promotion Board. He is currently a Governor of the National Gallery and also sits on the Foundation Board of the National College of Ireland and the Board of Drinkaware. He has chaired a number of non-profit organisations over the years.
Dr. Donal de Buitléir is a member of the Policing Authority and a Board Member of the RCSI Hospital Group. Donal was a member of the Board of the Health Service Executive from 2005 to 2009. Previously he worked in AIB Group and in the Irish public service. He was a member of a number of Government reviews in the areas of local government reform, integration of tax and welfare, business regulation, health funding and higher education. He is an Eisenhower Fellow.