CHO Area
Organisationsort ascending Programme Area County CHO Area Amount Year
VE Productions

WRAP for Radio provided a twice weekly night class on the radio for persons, families and supporters of those experiencing metal health difficulties. Based on the Wellness Action Recovery Plan (WRAP), the course which runs over six weeks provided self-help skills to supporters and families on the journey to recovery. Project reference number 2364

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €10,500 2013
St. Michael's House

This project supported people whose current home placements were at risk to continue to live at home with supports rather than going into residential care. Individualised supports were implemented to increase the person’s quality of life and well-being so that as circumstances change they can remain in their home setting for as long as possible. Project reference number 2356

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €63,000 2013
St. Michael's House

The aim of this project was to provide respite for people currently using disability services, with the aim of starting the journey towards full independent living. This involved respite provision which focussed on increasing the independence of each person and providing support where required. Project reference number 2352

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €25,279 2013
St. Michael's House

This project provided an alternative respite support package initially for one individual, Alison. This was in response to Alison's wish to remain in her home whilst her family still avail of respite supports, assisting her to be as independent as possible. Project reference number 2537

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €22,115 2013
St. Michael's House

This project supported six people currently living in a variety of settings, to obtain more individualised supports and plan their own lives in a self-directed way. Over the course of the project seven people, 10 staff and 10 family members were trained in advocacy, the development of circles of support and self-directed living. Project reference number S005

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €50,000 2010
St. Michael's House

This project set up a Contract Family scheme in order to facilitate respite to four children with high care needs in the child's own home or in the carer's home. The care provided was matched to each persons needs and wishes and provided an alternative to institutional-based respite. Project reference number 939

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €14,430 2012
St James Hospital and the Mater Hospital, Dublin

This stream will provide improved integrated pathways and joint working through a Dublin wide homeless hospital discharge policy and enhanced screening and referral processes. An integrated homeless hospital discharge team will be formed in St James’ Hospital and The Mater. It aims to support better health, well-being and social outcomes for people experiencing homelessness through effective case management, service integration and innovation particularly in relation to discharge from acute services.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Dublin CHO Area 9 €736,408 2019
SHINE, HSE Midwest Mental Health Service & Peer Support Centres

This project increased the availability of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for people with psychosis by establishing a training scheme for community-based counsellors. Over the duration of the project, 25 people living with psychosis and 12 staff where trained in the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Project reference number S176

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €32,700 2010
SHINE, HSE Midwest Mental Health Service & Peer Support Centres

The PIERS programme focused on developing a family support model that engaged with group members on a monthly basis for 10 months and included educational, emotional support and social components in response to their needs. During this project, four people were trained to co-facilitate the group and a tool-kit for facilitators was developed to support the model into the future. Project reference number 3767

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €25,790 2014
North Dublin Mental Health Service & HSE

This project supported the development of individualised and recovery orientated support to three people with long term involvement with the mental health services. Project reference number 85

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €30,711 2011
North Dublin Mental Health Service

This project developed the capacity of a variety of people to effectively function as a representative on mental health forums. This allowed people using services, their families and carers to build capacity to be active, fully participating members of the North Dublin mental health management team. Project reference number 3753

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €4,240 2014
Neuro-Enhancement for Independent Lives, Trinity College

This project developed and shared online films to promote positive cognitive health behaviours, educate and combat the stigma associated with dementia and other degenerative brain diseases. Project reference number 232

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €199,052 2012
National Platform Inter-Agency Steering Group

This project supported the formation of a national platform of self-advocates through an organic, grassroots process. It will help provide an independent and neutral space for persons with intellectual disabilities. Project reference number 973

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €55,050 2012
Mental Health Reform

Working closely with the Department of Social Protection and the HSE, this project supported the co-ordination of mental health and supported employment services through an Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment in West Cork, Mayo, Cavan/Monaghan and Dublin South Central. The project enabled people to avail of supported employment regardless of 'job readiness', providing unlimited support through the integration of an Employment Specialist into the mental health team. Project reference number 3741

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Dublin CHO Area 9 €114,970 2014
Inclusion Ireland

This project provided workshops for parents of children with intellectual disabilities which enabled them to plan individual lifestyles for their child and organise the necessary supports, with a view to strengthening partnerships with professionals. Project reference number 927

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €45,127 2012
Inclusion Ireland

This project encouraged people to become involved as active citizens in supporting and advocating for people with intellectual disability who are currently living in a residential centre. 13 staff members were trained in advocacy and various community information sessions were held to highlight the importance of advocacy. Project reference number S268

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €73,450 2010
HSE Area Dublin North City Mental Health Service

This project provided individualised support to five long-term users of the adult mental health service, to enable them live in their own homes in the community with personalised and adaptive supports. Project reference number 904

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 9 €42,100 2012
Headway Ireland - The National Head Injuries Association

This project created a progressive service which included respite for people with aphasia, a communication disability and their families within Headway in Dublin. Seven people were supported and took part in various family-based capacity building modules, focusing on communication techniques. Project reference number 2342

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €15,028 2013
HAIL Housing Association for Independent Living & HSE Dublin North City

This project assisted 10 people to move from residential mental health services to their own homes in their local community. Nine people moved to independent living in their own homes and another participant was supported in their move to community living at an individualised pace. As a result of the project, two high support hostels were closed. Project reference number 61

Mental Health
Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €100,000 2011
HAIL Housing Association for Independent Living & HSE Dublin North City

This project supported five people living in a mental health service to live independently in the community. Two others were supported to develop self-living skills to live in the community with support. Project reference number 947

Mental Health
Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €65,000 2012
HAIL Housing Association for Independent Living & HSE Dublin North City

This project engaged in a process to build a sustainable model of community mental health rehabilitation across a wide catchment area, in order to deliver a range of recovery-focused supports. This included the provision of secure independent housing, active community participation and the creation of meaningful social roles. To date, 23 people have successfully moved to their own homes with support. Project reference number 2375

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €475,422 2013
HAIL Housing / National Learning Network - HSE

This project supported the transition of seven people to move from group care homes to independent living in the community with personalised and adaptable supports. Project reference number 918

Mental Health
Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €60,661 2012
Gheel Autism Services

This project engaged with 12 school leavers with challenging behaviours in a manner that accommodates their individual needs, builds upon their abilities and supports them to make the transition into adulthood. Eleven of the participants took part in employment specific training, eight undertook work experience in their preferred fields and one person had secured paid employment at the completion of the project. Project reference number 1423

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 9 €572,150 2012
Dublin North City and County Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Two people completed the DCU Leadership program and developed the Promoting the Participation of Families in CAMHS program to support  involvement by people using services in Dublin North City and County Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. By providing meaningful involvement, the service is now more collaborative and effective, which ultimate contributes to better outcomes for those using the service. Project reference number 3704

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €9,640 2014
Dublin City University (DCU) Mental Health Knowledge Community

This project provided an opportunity for communities to become more informed and proactive in communicating about mental health. Over the course of the project 83 people, 89 staff, 83 family members and 25 community organisation members were trained in open dialogue process known as "Trialogue". 26 people were also trained as Trialogue trainers. Project reference number S208

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €104,804 2010
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project facilitated the transition of six people from community residential homes to an independent living setting of their choice with individualised supports. Project reference number 2378

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €114,610 2013
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project supported seven people for one year to devise and pursue individualised person-centred plans with the aim of accessing employment, training and recreational activities in their own communities as an alternative to existing day-care services. Project reference number 2479

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 9 €72,310 2013
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project supported three people living in a low support community residential setting to move to an independent living setting of their choice. By providing individualised supports to each person, they continue live as independently as possible in the community. Project reference number 884

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €40,000 2012
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project supported eight young people  in their final year in St Vincent's Special School to develop person-centred plans and to lead full and inclusive lives in the local community. Project reference number 882

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 9 €63,143 2012

This project utilised the experience of peer support workers and took a "housing first" type approach to prevent tenancies from breaking down due to mental health issues. 145 people have benefited from this project to date and has proved successful in preventing homelessness due to the difficulties of acquiring accommodation with mental illness by working in partnership with the local mental health team. Project reference number 3697

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €30,796 2014
Connolly Hospital and Local Health Office Dublin North West

This 3 year project developed an integrated care pathway between acute hospital and community services specific to the needs of all people with dementia including those with complex disease. Project reference number 3171

Integrated Care Pathways
Dublin CHO Area 9 €500,587 2014
Business in the Community / Reach, National Learning Network

The initiative provided individually tailored, structured and supported employer-based placements for five people with complex mental health difficulties who wished to progress to employment. Project reference number 2484

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Dublin CHO Area 9 €40,820 2013
Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living

This project worked with nine people to enable them to live in their own homes in the community. As a result of the project, five people moved to the community where they now live active and inclusive lives, while four others were supported to move at an individualised pace. Project reference number 38

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €120,000 2011
Áiseanna Tacaíochta

This project assisted four people to receive support to live independently, to take control of new areas of their lives and make a range of sustainable choices using the HSE funds available to them. Specific training was provided to develop capacity and skills to manage direct payments and there are current plans underway to expand this initiative nationally. Project reference number 2619

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €50,000 2013
Áiseanna Tacaíochta

This project supported four people to establish a system for managing their own funding and directing their own supports. This progress has allowed the participants to have a greater sense of empowerment in directing their own lives. Project reference number S156

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €60,000 2010
Community Health Organisation 9 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 9 have established a supported employment programme via the IPS model. Evidence based audits have been undertaken to inform the community living transition plan that is being developed across the region and strong relationships with local authorities and voluntary housing bodies are in place.


Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Dublin CHO Area 9 €200,000 2018

19-21 Westland Square
Pearse St., Dublin 2, D02 YH27, Ireland
Phone +353 1 707 1700
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