CHO Area
Organisation Programme Areasort ascending County CHO Area Amount Year
Laois/Offaly Mental Health Rehabilitation Recovery Service & HSE

This project involved a multi-agency partnership which supported six people to move from HSE supported care to community living. Five people moved to their own homes in the community, while another individual was supported to continue their transition plans. In addition, 11 staff and five participants received training in person-centred recovery. Project reference number 59

Mental Health
Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €62,572 2011
Laois Offaly Mental Health Services

This project worked with four people living in mental health service accommodation to live independently in the community, with supports tailored and adaptive to their needs.This project worked with four people living in mental health service accommodation to live independently in the community, with supports tailored and adaptive to their needs. Project reference number 961

Mental Health
Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €76,447 2012
Exchange House

The Travelling to Wellbeing project utilised the recovery model to address culturally appropriate recovery for Travellers experiencing mental health difficulties. 45 members of the travelling community were supported to access mental health services and to co-produce recovery action plans that embraced the travelling culture and community supports available in a realistic and holistic manner. Project reference number 878

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Offaly CHO Area 8 €473,884 2012

This project supported 25 people to reduce reliance on hospital and day care provision and assist them to live a full independent life in their own community, with personalised and adaptive supports. Project reference number 981

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Louth CHO Area 8 €75,748 2012
St. Colmcille's East Meath GAA Club

This project developed a community outreach programme in St Colmcille's GAA Club, Bettystown, Co. Meath to provide a range of activities to help maintain and develop the mental wellbeing and physical fitness of those isolated in the community. Project reference number 996

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Meath CHO Area 8 €30,000 2012
Psychiatry of Later Life Mental Health Service

The main aim of this project was to train staff in Wellness Action Recovery Planning (WRAP) so that older persons mental health services across Westmeath can move towards a recovery-orientated service. 16 staff and 2 people using services have been trained and WRAP is now being used across the service. Project reference number 2384

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €7,000 2013
Community Health Organisation 8 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 8 is focusing on the development of cultural change, stakeholder engagement and a recovery based service strategy. Within this, specific streams of work include supported employment via the IPS model and the design and delivery of a community living transition plan across the region.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €1,300,000 2018

This project offered Family Leadership training to families and parents of children with autism to develop the capacity to work with people to achieve their life goals. Project reference number 963    

Capacity Building
Cavan CHO Area 8 €56,000 2012

This project supported four people to move out of institutionalised settings into a home of their own. 11 others have been supported to explore the possibilities, the hopes and fears that the move away from residential care may present and creative, holistic responses for each individual and their families have been developed. Project reference number 2440

Community Living
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €78,000 2013
ASD Initiatives

The purpose of the Autism Leaver Transition Project was to develop and deliver a programme for 19 young people that was autism informed as well as person and family-centred. The initiative consisted of a flexible and integrative blend of strategies to provide options and realistic choices for the young person as they transition from school to the adult world. Project reference number 2405

Supporting Young People
Louth CHO Area 8 €197,756 2013
St. Hilda's Services, Athlone

This project supported five school leavers referred for services through an individualised model instead of offering a traditional model of care. This involved retraining and reconfiguring an existing centre-based service in terms of staffing and approach in order to develop person-centred, community based service. Project reference number 2491

Supporting Young People
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €63,371 2013
St John of God Drumcar

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Louth CHO Area 8 €677,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 8 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 8 will focus on reforming day services & alternative respite to person-centered supports for those using services.Reforming Day Services stream will support young people using traditional day services to move to individualized supports in their own locality and reconfigure existing day supports. The Alternative Respite stream will provide Holiday Breaks & Home Sharing involves moving away from traditional residential respite through the recruitment of host families for Home Sharing in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Meath CHO Area 8 €882,700 2018
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

Room to Share supported a man who was living in a large institutional setting to live with a host family on a full-time basis. The person has continued to live with the host family and has commenced paid part-time employment in a local supermarket, greatly adding to his independence. Project reference number S011

Community Living
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €7,605 2010
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

The Moving into the Community project supported a woman to move from an institutional setting to her own home in the community. This lady now lives in her home where she selects the supports she feels she needs to live a full and independent life. Project reference number S061

Community Living
Offaly CHO Area 8 €43,132 2010
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

This project provided training and support to staff to work in an intensive person-centred way with 15 people. As a result, 10 residents moved to their own homes in the community and staff began to utilise a more individualised way of working with the people accessing the service. Project reference number S199

Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €25,569 2010
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

The Share a Break project utilised alternative forms of respite, based on people being matched with suitable host families and spending time in their homes. A total of 274 alternative respite breaks was provided to 4 children with high support needs by host families. Project reference number S019

Alternative Respite
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €21,772 2010
HSE Dublin NE, Meath Adult Intellectual Disability Service

The Host Family Respite project replaced traditional respite with host family living arrangements for adults in Co. Meath. The project provided training to seven host families who were then matched with seven people, who availed of various lengths of stays with the host families. Project reference number S059

Alternative Respite
Meath CHO Area 8 €60,000 2010
Enable Ireland

The project provided four people with the plans and skills required to leave institutional settings and to live in their own homes in the community. Three people received Transitions Training in preparation for moving to the community and an Independent Living Skills Resource Pack was developed for use across the service. Project reference number S069

Capacity Building
Meath CHO Area 8 €40,000 2010

This project provided a programme of training, through workshops and planning tools, to empower and up-skill families and people with intellectual disability and/or autism to lead self-determined lives. Over the course of the project, 155 family members, 10 staff, two trainers and seven volunteers received training on various aspects of self-directed living. Project reference number S310

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 8 €30,970 2010
Autism Spectrum Disorder Initiatives

This project provided a training programme that has enhanced the skills of people with autism and their family members. A total of 254 family members and 22 staff received training and a further 98 people were trained as trainers in the field of skills enhancement, further increasing the capacity of the organisation to sustain this programme. Project reference number S311

Capacity Building
Louth CHO Area 8 €17,440 2010
Irish Autism Action

This project trained people to support people with autism entering third level education through the Autism College and Community Life Acclimation and Intervention Model (ACCLAIM). A total of 37 people and 12 trainers were trained in supporting those with autism and over 500 staff and family members attended the NUIG Autism Conference in 2011. Project reference number S370

Capacity Building
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €75,000 2010
HSE and Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary

This project supported 27 people to move from an institutional setting to a range of appropriate and inclusive settings in the community. Training was also provided for 10 staff members on person-centred support and Social Role Valorisation. Project reference number 88

Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €292,152 2011
HSE Louth

This project has supported 20 people who can no longer live at home with appropriate alternative living arrangements with a family in the community. A total of 864 days and 978 nights respite support was provided and as a result of participation, two people have moved to independent living in the community. Project reference number 919

Community Living
Louth CHO Area 8 €149,000 2012
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

Three people who have lived in an institutional setting for most of their lives have been supported to move to a home of their own in the community. Each person was helped to develop a personal plan to move and supported to establish links within the community. Project reference number 970

Community Living
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €82,020 2012
Parents/HSE/Praxis Care

This project provided individualised day activity programmes in Co. Louth for young adult school-leavers with autism and high support complex needs. The participants also took part in targeted training and work experience periods based on personal employment aspirations. Project reference number 980

Supporting Young People
Louth CHO Area 8 €75,748 2012
Service Learning Partnership Group

This project supported five students to attend mainstream modules as part of an Inclusive Learning Initiative at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. In addition, four of the participants also received training in their areas of interest and two people took part in periods of work experience in various fields. Project reference number 999

Supporting Young People
Kildare CHO Area 8 €52,500 2012
HSE Louth

This project provided individualised day activity programmes in County Louth for one young adult school leaver with complex needs, allowing the young man to remain at home with his family and supported him to engage in his local community. The person took part in various training and work experience modules and was supported in active employment planning. Project reference number 1400

Supporting Young People
Louth CHO Area 8 €63,000 2012
Louth Age Friendly Dementia Consortium

This project supported people living with dementia to develop individually tailored personal plans, realise their own potential and connect to a more dementia-aware community. The project builds on the existing innovations within the community, bringing them together into a cohesive community-oriented dementia response. Project reference number 3175

Individualised Supports
Louth CHO Area 8 €100,000 2014

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Pearse St., Dublin 2, D02 YH27, Ireland
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