CHO Area
Organisation Programme Area Countysort descending CHO Area Amount Year
Cheshire Ireland

This project has supported 46 to date to move from congregated settings to a home of their own. Each person was actively involved in the planning and process of the move and choose their own supports. Where possible, the use of mainstream supports are encouraged and other community-based social and recreational activities as per each persons' interest are also supported. Project reference number 866

Community Living
Carlow CHO Area 7 €871,875 2012
HSE - Cuan Aoibheann Unit, St. Mary's Hospital

This project assisted eight residents to transition from a residential unit to a home of their choice by creating a dedicated Community Transition Team to work with each individual. In addition, this project developed a future model of service provision with Cheshire Ireland to enable people to live an optimal life. Project reference number 2497

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €308,000 2013

This project helped to enhance independent travel and learning for people with support needs through the use of Smartphone technology by creating “WayBuddy”, an accessible travel training application that aims to support people with intellectual disabilities to learn and follow their daily routes independently. Project reference number 2520

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 7 €5,000 2013
St. John of God School

A job coach/support worker trained students and supported their transition from school to employment, focusing on individualised needs and practical preparation for entering the world of work. Project reference number 2550

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 7 €17,713 2013
Dublin City University (DCU) Service Improvement Leadership for Mental Health Services

This project supported people who use mental health services to access information by developing their own website. The creative team behind the website consisted of an individual with mental health difficulties, a carer and a clinician and the website was designed to make it easier for people to access information on mental health services in their local area. Project reference number S078

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €9,000 2010

This project developed the Recovery Context Inventory, which is a web-based personal recovery profiling tool, which enables people who use mental health services to develop a Recovery Action Plan based on their personal assessment of their journey to recovery. Over the course of the project, 211 people and 36 staff members were involved in using and testing the web-based tool and 54 facilitators were trained. Project reference number S283

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €194,900 2010
HSE Dublin West and South West Mental Health Services

This project trained staff within the mental health services in Dublin West and South West to deliver an accessible, quality, early intervention service to people with psychosis and their families within home or community settings. In total 90 people, 18 staff, 15 family members and four trainers received training in understanding, supporting and living with psychosis. Project reference number S303

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €59,650 2010

This project trained 27 staff in an intervention entitled Cognitive Adaptation Training. This is an individualised approach which utilises the behavioural style and cognitive abilities of each person to develop and optimise community living skills. Staff integrated this training into their daily work with people with severe and enduring mental health difficulties. Project reference number 889

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €28,820 2012
First Fortnight

This project provided art psychotherapy to 17 people with mental health difficulties who were homeless and was successful in working with several people who had been previously difficult to engage. Project reference number 899

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €74,000 2012

This project supported the roll-out of the Recovery Context Inventory which is a web-based personal recovery profiling tool, within EVE and in six other pilot mental health services nationally. This project linked with the Mayo Recovery Consortium (Genio Project 968) to advance recovery as a framework within mental health services. Project reference number 900

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €125,436 2012
Dublin West/South West Rehabilitation and Recovery Mental Health Services

This project supported 30 people using mental health day services to engage in mainstream community activities and to develop individual links in the community. Project reference number 990

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €37,162 2012
Focus Ireland

My Home, My Choice provided individualised support to 36 people, currently living in inappropriate accommodation such as overcrowded homes or temporary hostel accommodation to live independently in their own homes in the community, with personalised supports. Project reference number 2451

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €179,443 2013
St. John of God - City Gate/HSE

This project supported two women to move from an institution to live in their own homes in the community. Both ladies are now actively involved in their communities and the success of this project inspired the institution to begin moving more people into their own homes. Project reference number S043

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €40,000 2010
Sustainable Living Network

This project supported nine people to move from their family homes to more appropriate housing arrangements of their own choosing in the community. Project reference number 2481

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €44,748 2013
DESSA - Disability Equality Specialist Support Agency

This project provided training, mentoring and advocacy in community development organisations to enable more young people with disabilities to take part in mainstream activities within the community. 19 staff, 50 family members, 60 members of community groups and 22 trainers received training in various subjects such as Community Development and Advocacy. Project reference number S154

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €30,000 2010
Trinity College Dublin

This project supported 175 students experiencing mental health difficulties to create individualised and recovery-oriented plans, in order to transition to employment through a flexible, individualised suite of resources developed by Occupational Therapists, the Assistive Technology Officer and Careers Advisers. Project reference number 2539

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Dublin CHO Area 7 €181,725 2013
Ballyfermot Chapelizod Partnership

This project was aimed at developing the confidence, skills, knowledge and experience of people with mental health difficulties and their families to participate effectively in decision making. A total of 41 participants were recruited and engaged in the co-production of a training package aimed at responding to the identified needs of this group in a holistic and person-centred manner. Project reference number 3684

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €23,500 2014
Irish Wheelchair Association

This project trained staff to work in a more informed way to support people with physical disabilities to live the lives they choose in the community. A total of 1,552 people, 530 staff, four family members and four trainers received training Enhanced Person Centred Process and 1388 Person-Centred Plans were created across the service. Project reference number S217

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €217,242 2010
Dublin South Central Mental Health Service

This project employed a project worker to undertake an audit of all residents in community houses in Dublin South Central Mental Health Service and to establish their housing and support needs. The project worker engaged and worked closely with 32 people to describe, plan and achieve their ideal life integrated in the community with supports of their choice. Project reference number 3706

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €136,778 2014
St. James's Hospital

This 3 year project developed an integrated care pathway between acute hospital and community services specific to the needs of people with dementia. Project reference number 3167

Integrated Care Pathways
Dublin CHO Area 7 €500,000 2014
Disability Federation of Ireland

This project assisted organisations who provide services to people with disabilities to support people to identify and achieve their goals. The organisation ran 88 seminars on social inclusion and accessing mainstream services for various service providers. Project reference number S189

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €73,925 2010
Ashoka Ireland for Specialisterne

This project developed a plan to introduce an initiative already established in Denmark and Scotland which provides employment opportunities in the IT sector for people with autism. This has led to the launch of the initiative in Ireland in 2012 with the intention to create 50 new jobs across the country over the next 5 years. Project reference number S289

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €20,000 2010
St. John of God - City Gate/HSE

This project supported 14 people with intellectual disabilities to move from an institution to their own homes in the community. Over the course of the project, seven people moved to independent living and seven others received training in preparation to move to their own homes. Eight trainers and 22 staff members were also trained in self-directed living. Project reference number 17

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €190,000 2011
Community Health Organisation 7 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 7 will povide new models of community based, person-centred respite in the community for children and young adults. These will included Supported Camps to be piloted over two years and Self-directed Short Breaks to provide respite for young people aged 18-21. These will be supported with an information & training package for delivery across the CHO to be able to replicate these alternative respite options.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Dublin CHO Area 7 €357,999 2017
St. Margaret's Service

This project assisted people to move from an institutional setting to their own homes. 12 people are now living full-time in the community. In addition, 60 staff, 11 families and two people received transition training on various aspects of self-directed living such as Person-Centred Planning and Life Skills. Project reference number 67

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €90,000 2011
Stewart's Care

This project supported eleven people to move from an institutional setting to their own homes in the community. Each person was actively involved in the planning and process of the move and chose their own supports. A number of participants have also secured paid employment. Project reference number 1021

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €175,000 2012
St. John of God Menni Services

By taking an individualised approach, this project provided employment supports, training options and personal growth opportunities to a group of nine people. Each aspect was tailored towards helping the person to secure employment in their area of interest. Project reference number 1008

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 7 €34,200 2012
Dara Residential Services

This project developed a professional, independent brokerage service to enable people with intellectual disabilities and their families who have individualised budgets to select the supports that best meet their individual needs. Project reference number 876

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €115,078 2012
St. John of God Kildare Services

My Life, My Future, My Say afforded 53 people the opportunity to move from their current accommodation to living independently in the community and to receive the required individualised supports to live the life of their choosing. Project reference number 2431

Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €274,616 2013
Dara Residential Services

Possibilitiesplus expanded and developed an independent brokerage service for people with disabilities and their families in designing, costing and implementing self-directed lives. The project supporting 23 people in total and currently receives referrals from the HSE on a person by person basis. Project reference number 2499

Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €107,082 2013
Service Improvers Leadership Programme

This project brought together service organisations, people who use services and their families to bring about change in mental health services. 27 people took part in Trialogue which is a cooperative approach to healthcare involving the individual, service provider and the carer, helping to bring a more person-centred approach to their recovery process. Project reference number S137

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €63,475 2010
Kildare Youth Services

This project supported the design, delivery and evaluation of a peer and clinician led information programme on recovery and mental health difficulties across Kildare and Wicklow.  58 information sessions across four locations were delivered to 464 attendees. A set of course materials was developed and 30 people, 21 family members and seven staff received training on person-centred recovery. Project reference number S258

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €173,428 2010
Focus Ireland

This project supported 12 people who were residing in mental health service accommodation to move to their own home in the community with personalised and adaptable supports. Project reference number 898

Mental Health
Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €47,952 2012

The EOLAS Project was developed to provide an information and support programme for people with acute mental health difficulties, their families and close friends at five sites in the Leinster area. Project reference number 1028

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €125,910 2012
The Local Community Service Network

This project developed a shared way of working to facilitate shared services between sixteen organisations. The outcome was a charter of values, reflecting areas of potential co-operation between services and which culminated in the "A Shared Vision" report. Project reference number S126

Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €42,400 2010
St. John of God Celbridge

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kildare CHO Area 7 €612,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 7 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 7 are focussing on reform in the region in the areas of supported employment via the IPS model, supporting people to move from hostels and mental health units to their own homes in the community.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kildare CHO Area 7 €200,000 2018

This project provided customised short breaks to the families of 40 people who currently avail of traditional respite, families with a break from their caring role, empowering families and allowing children to remain within their own community. Project reference number 75

Alternative Respite
Kildare CHO Area 7 €60,624 2011
St. John of God Kildare Services

This project supported 17 people to move from an institutional setting to live independently in the community. To date, 10 of the 17 people have moved to their own homes in the community and seven others have accommodation sourced and will be moving in the near future. Project reference number 920

Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €68,471 2012

This project developed and implemented individualised plans with 13 people who are currently on Rehabilitative Training, as they make the transition to adulthood. Over the course of the project, eight participants took part in employment specific training and work experience and two people became self-employed. Project reference number 1401

Supporting Young People
Kildare CHO Area 7 €96,506 2012

19-21 Westland Square
Pearse St., Dublin 2, D02 YH27, Ireland
Phone +353 1 707 1700
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