Organisation | Programme Area |
County![]() |
CHO Area | Amount | Year |
Cheshire Ireland This project assisted seven people with physical disabilities to move from an institution into their own homes and enabled the closure of an institution. The project employed a Community Transition Co-ordinator to help the participants to establish links and new friendships within their communities and make the transition easier. Project reference number S065 |
Disability Community Living |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €280,000 | 2010 |
National Parents and Siblings Alliance This project supported the production of a booklet, which promoted knowledge and skills by providing information in an accessible, friendly and informative manner to families of children with a disability. Information sessions were attended by 450 family members and the booklet "What Now?...Where Next?" was disseminated widely. Project reference number S362 |
Disability Capacity Building |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €14,500 | 2010 |
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland Pathways supported six people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) who were living in nursing homes, assisted living houses and family home to move towards living as independently as possible within their community. Each person was supported to help create the life they wished to lead and helped establish that people with all levels of ABI can be supported to live in their own homes. Project reference number 844 |
Disability Community Living |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €130,000 | 2012 |
St. John of God STEP This project developed a transition programme for school leavers with disabilities to prepare them for work and/or further education. All nine participants took part in relevant training and work experience based on their employment aspirations and one person secured paid employment. Project reference number 1007 |
Disability Supporting Young People |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €85,000 | 2012 |
National Service Users Executive This project gathered information from people using mental health services to develop an e-learning programme. Training was provided for 100 people and 100 staff, exploring proactive and inclusive approaches to recovery. The initiative also produced a book called "Second Options", a related FaceBook page and a website on recovery in mental health which can be accessed at Project reference number S195 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €53,283 | 2010 |
Department of Psychiatry of Old Age, St. John of God Hospital This project provided a psycho-education programme for carers/families of those recently diagnosed with dementia, providing information on its causes, symptoms and clinical course, as well as information on individualised planning, managing behaviour, legal issues and self-care strategies for carers. Project reference number 2490 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €2,535 | 2012 |
DETECT The DETECT project brought together the experience of people with psychosis, family members and professionals with a view to building skills and support for families with a member recently diagnosed with a first episode of psychosis. Project reference number 2501 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €22,462 | 2013 |
Cluain Mhuire This project supported individual capacity building for recovery through community and service development, using the framework of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). Project reference number 2551 |
Mental Health Supporting Recovery |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €70,000 | 2013 |
HSE Dublin Mid-Leinster This 3 year project comprised of a range of community-based supports for people with dementia which were responsive to peoples' needs and highly integrated with the formal health and social care system. Project reference number 307 |
Dementia Individualised Supports |
Dublin | CHO Area 6 | €700,000 | 2012 |
Sunbeam House Services The Crossroads project offered mainstream educational opportunities to people who have expressed an interest in further and/or third level education and employment opportunities. Three of the participants took part in employment specific training and four people undertook work experience as part of their individual plans. Project reference number 2363 |
Disability Supporting Young People |
Wicklow | CHO Area 6 | €85,000 | 2013 |
PROTECT This project focused on early intervention and detection of the first stages of psychosis and recovery. 362 people, 726 staff, 126 family members, six trainers and 39 community organisation members received training and education in relation to individualised support for those with psychosis. The project also produced educational resources. Project reference number S133 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Wicklow | CHO Area 6 | €271,365 | 2010 |
HSE Wicklow Mental Health Service This project completed the closure of two mental health hostels and supported 16 people to plan and gain skills for more independent living in the community. Seven people now live in their own homes, a number are looking for accommodation and three were supported to progress to the community at an individualised pace. Project reference number 68 |
Mental Health Community Living |
Wicklow | CHO Area 6 | €129,320 | 2011 |
Community Health Organisation 6 Mental Health Service Community Health Organisation 6 is currently working on reform in the region in the areas of supported employment (Individual Placement and Support model), supporting people to move from hostels and mental health units to their own homes in the community, developing the understand of recovery in Children's and Young Peoples services and staff capacity building and training. |
Mental Health Service Reform Fund (SRF) |
Wicklow | CHO Area 6 | €1,300,000 | 2018 |