CHO Area
Organisation Programme Areasort ascending County CHO Area Amount Year
St. Luke's Clonmel & HSE South

This project ran recovery-based training for staff working in South Tipperary Mental Health Services. The initiative provided 85 staff members, 117 people and 20 family members with training on community-based person-centred care. Recovery workshops were also attended by 120 people. Project reference number S318

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €77,190 2010
St. Luke's Hospital,Clonmel & HSE

This project supported 42 people with severe and enduring mental illness with home-based respite care, tailored to their individual needs. The project provided all participants with respite and three people were supported to move into their own homes in the community. Project reference number 21

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €35,000 2011
Kilkenny & Carlow Contact

This project provided a befriending and support service to 5 older people who experienced mental health difficulties. In addition, training on issues in mental health for older people for staff and key volunteers was provided and a resource folder for Carlow/Kilkenny area was developed to build a sustainable advocacy information system for all older people in the community. Project reference number 934

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Carlow CHO Area 5 €2,597 2012
Kilkenny Consumer Panel

This project provided training and support for carers in the Kilkenny area to work with people experiencing mental health difficulties in a personalised and co-productive way. Project reference number 870

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €14,844 2012
South Tipperary Mental Health Services HSE

This project worked with four people to discover their vocational aspirations, to set goals and create individualised plans around experiencing mainstream employment. Project reference number 923

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €56,272 2012
Knockanrawley Resource Centre

This project supported 12 people attending a day-care centre to devise and implement a personal plan as a step towards independent living and community integration. Project reference number 932

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €11,890 2012
Training and Support Kilkenny (TASK)

This project developed a social and independent living skills programme for 29 people experiencing severe and enduring mental health difficulties, to help them on their recovery journey and reconnect to the community. Project reference number 1034

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €39,074 2012
South Tipperary Mental Health Services HSE

This project supported families through a personal development course, which explored issues such as coping skills. The participants also had the opportunity to become involved in facilitation training and the project developed a training manual for use by others. Project reference number 2586

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €3,000 2013
Wexford Adult Mental Health Services - Occupational Therapy Dept.

This project employed a vocational support officer to facilitate individualised pathways to employment and maintaining vocational goals for eight people with mental health difficulties. Project reference number 2416

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Wexford CHO Area 5 €35,332 2013
Wexford Adult Mental Health Services - Occupational Therapy Dept.

This project utilised the Individual Placement and Support model, which emphasises job placement first, followed by support and training in order to facilitate an individualised pathway to meaningful vocation for people with mental health difficulties. The second strand of this project developed a Wellness at Work group programme to support 17 people to maintain their wellness in work situations. Project reference number 3755

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Wexford CHO Area 5 €37,166 2014
Community Health Organisation 5 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 5 is developing a new model for delivery of recovery oriented services in line with the National Recovery Framework. Two major stands of work within this new model are supporting people to return to and remain in work; and to establish a model for supporting person centred transition from institutional settings to community based living.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kildare CHO Area 5 €1,616,000 2018
Waterford Community Health Organisation & Waterford Local Authority

Waterford CHO and Waterford Local Authority are working together to provide 24 tenancies for homeless people in the local area, using the Housing First approach. The programme will also focus on developing an improved wraparound health service in the region, supporting people to obtain and maintain their tenancies.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Waterford CHO Area 5 €450,000 2019
St. Patrick's Centre Kilkenny

This project enabled the development of a personalised programme  and created a modelling and training programme that supports the ongoing transformation of the day service model. Three of the participants undertook training and one person spent a period on work experience in their chosen field. Project reference number 1440

Supporting Young People
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €152,500 2012
Brothers of Charity Services South East

This project developed a Homeshare scheme for children from the South Tipperary area with moderate to severe/profound intellectual disability, enabling a reduction in the provision of centre-based respite in favour of family-based respite services. Project reference number 2494

Alternative Respite
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €25,795 2013
Beam Services and Cairdeas Tullow

This project provided respite for 49 people in the individual’s own home as an alternative to institutional respite. An emergency response respite system was also developed which can take place within the person’s home, which was invaluable for families in times of crisis or emergency. Project reference number 2506

Alternative Respite
Carlow CHO Area 5 €90,000 2013
St. Patrick's Centre Kilkenny

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €465,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 5 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 5 will focus on reform of respite provision in the region, providing new community based respite alternatives for people using the service. These will include Home Sharing Family breaks of short and medium term duration; “Shared Living” Family which will provide full-time, foster-type respite; and Summer Camps which will deliver alternative Day Respite service for children with high support needs for the months of July and August 2018 in South Tipperary and Carlow/Kilkenny.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €400,000 2018
Brothers of Charity Services, South East

This project supported eight people to move from campus-based residential settings to their own homes in their communities. In addition,the project supported the participants to source work experience and employment opportunities and were supported to make connections in their new community. Project reference number S062

Community Living
Waterford CHO Area 5 €40,000 2010
Carriglea Cairde Services

This project supported two women to move from a residential unit to live in a home within the local community. By choosing their own home, as well as the services and supports to enable them to live as independently as possible, the participants were able to become full and active members of the locality. Project reference number S066


Community Living
Waterford CHO Area 5 €106,811 2010
SOS Kilkenny

Home Share Initiative developed a home share scheme where suitable people were trained to share their homes with people with an intellectual disability on a supported basis. Ten volunteers took part in the project, providing both day and night respite for three people within a host family. Project reference number S306

Alternative Respite
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €12,700 2010
SOS Kilkenny

This project developed a shared approach to providing services between two providers of intellectual disability services in County Kilkenny. The consultation process involved 60 people, 85 staff and 10 family members and produced a team leadership handbook and a report entitled "A Shared Vision". Project reference number S307


Capacity Building
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €50,000 2010
Ard Aoibhinn Services

This project developed a framework for the provision of a Home Sharing scheme and home-based respite and family support services within Co. Wexford for 11 people. Nine host families and 14 staff were also trained in the provision of home-based respite. Project reference number 30

Alternative Respite
Wexford CHO Area 5 €66,200 2011
St. Aidan's Day Care Centre, Wexford

This project supported three people to move from an institutional setting to live in their own homes in the community. The project utilised a personalised approach focusing on the participants’ strengths, thus ensuring the person is involved in all planning and decision-making. All three moved successfully to their own homes with personalised supports. Project reference number 1018

Community Living
Wexford CHO Area 5 €51,223 2012
Co. Wexford Community Workshop (New Ross)

This project provided an individualised alternative to sheltered occupation services and supported 89 people to independently access work, training and recreation services within their own  community. The project also supported the transition of sections of the service into standalone businesses that are owned and run by those involved in the project. 61 people took part in training, 36 undertook work experience and 14 participants found paid employment or became self-employed. Project reference number 1395

Supporting Young People
Wexford CHO Area 5 €398,410 2012
South Tipperary Mental Health Service

This 3 year project provided high quality, flexible, person-centred care in the home to people with dementia and their families in South Tipperary, helping people to stay living at home for as long as is possible. Project reference number 311

Individualised Supports
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €700,000 2012
Carlow/Kilkenny Service Providers Forum

The aim of this project was to design and provide supports that are flexible and responsive to the person with dementia and their carer, particularly for people with more complex needs related to the advanced stage of their dementia which will enable them to remain in their own home. Project reference number 3180

Individualised Supports
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €100,000 2014

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