CHO Area
Organisation Programme Area Countysort ascending CHO Area Amount Year
Jigsaw Kerry

This project developed a model of community-based mentoring in three main urban towns in Kerry: Tralee, Killarney and Listowel. Over the course of the project, 24 volunteer mentors were recruited and trained in peer-support. Eight of the volunteers were also trained as trainers and a manual on peer-support training in the community was produced. Project reference number S317

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kerry CHO Area 4 €47,840 2010
Kerry Peer Support Network

The Kerry Peer Support Network is a peer support and befriending project which trained 9 peers to facilitate recovery groups in Tralee, Listowel and Killarney. The project developed and delivered peer support recovery programmes in mental wellness to 146 people throughout Kerry and also supported people in recovery on a one-to-one basis. Project reference number 2399

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Kerry CHO Area 4 €67,293 2013
HSE Cluain Fhionnain Kerry

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kerry CHO Area 4 €146,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 4 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 4 are currently supporting people to move to their own homes in the community from hostels and institutions through the post of a Housing Coordinator and to support people to secure employment in the region via the Individual Placement and Support model of employment.


Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kerry CHO Area 4 €200,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 4 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 4 is focussing on reforms in the areas of Community Living, Alternative Respite and the Reform of Day Services. These will provide person-centred, community based care for people using these services. The participating services are St. Mary's of the Angels and the COPE Foundation (transition to community living). Kerry Parents and Friends, ABI and Enable Ireland Kerry (alternative respite). Cork Deaf Association and pARTicipate Programme - National Learning Network (day services).

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kerry CHO Area 4 €526,153 2018
Kerry Parents and Friends Association

This project supported one lady to transition from a group home to living in her own home in the community. Project reference number 2406

Community Living
Kerry CHO Area 4 €14,277 2013
HSE Kerry

This project helped upskill staff in a residential setting. These staff members were assisting people to move from the residential setting to their own homes in the community and were trained and supported in carrying out individualised person-centred planning in order to successfully transition. Project reference number 2448

Community Living
Kerry CHO Area 4 €273,405 2013
National Learning Network, Tralee, Co. Kerry

The ConnectAbility project was based on a self-managed model which will allow people to manage money from a funding body for their chosen community participation program. This allowed people to choose their own program with support from a community connector. Project reference number 2507

Supporting Young People
Kerry CHO Area 4 €70,483 2013
Jigsaw Kerry

This project designed and developed a resource pack for parents on mental health issues for young people, including a directory of services in the area. Project reference number S316

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kerry CHO Area 4 €29,600 2010
South Lee Social Inclusion Group

This project supported people to move from Glenmalure high support unit to live independently in the community. Six people moved to their own homes in the community and five others were supported to transition at an individual pace. In addition, 26 people received training in life skills such as health and fitness, cookery and horticulture. Project reference number 109

Mental Health
Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €28,000 2011
West Cork Mental Health Services HSE

This family and user-led project supported 20 people in crisis to stay in their own homes as an alternative to in-patient respite care. Over the course of the project, 44 staff, 11 family members, 150 community group members, eight people and one trainer received training in Open Dialogue, "Train the Trainer' and Behavioural Family Therapy. Project reference number 53

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Cork CHO Area 4 €54,500 2011
Clúid Housing Cork

This project supported people with mental health difficulties to move towards greater independence within the community by providing flexible and individually tailored supports promoting inclusion, aspiration and wellbeing. 94 people to date have been supported to sustain their tenancies and remain living in the community. Project reference number 836

Mental Health
Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €36,000 2012
Slí Eile Support Services

This project provided art therapy to three people with mental health difficulties to assist with the transition from the psychiatric in-patient system to the community through the Sli Eile community farm. Project reference number 940

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Cork CHO Area 4 €2,080 2012
Tosnu Mental Health Resource Centre, South Lee Mental Health Service

The Cork Carer Connection provided a forum for carers to be given information on services and how to access relevant personnel from voluntary associations within their community. Project reference number 2300

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €12,250 2013
Aspect Autism Spectrum Support Service

This project supported parents and carers of people with Autism Spectrum and a mental health difficulty to build a collaborative relationship between Aspect Services and mental health services. Ongoing liaison with Cork mental health services has been developed and workshops have been held for parents which were jointly facilitated by both services. A manual has been also been developed so this programme can be run more widely. Project reference number 3681

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €45,027 2014
The Medical Centre, Kinsale

This 3 year project established a comprehensive community-based, person-centred response to dementia, by engaging concerned professionals and local citizens in a process of collaborative learning, planning and action. Project reference number 316

Individualised Supports
Cork CHO Area 4 €632,825 2012
Mercy University Hospital and Cork Community Partnership

This 3 year project provided an integrated care pathway for people with dementia who may need hospital admission, providing suitable alternatives to admission, when appropriate, while supporting families/carers to continue to care for the person at home. Project reference number 3168

Integrated Care Pathways
Cork CHO Area 4 €498,500 2014
The Crystal Consortium

The Crystal Project facilitated individualised and integrated support for people living with dementia in Mallow and the surrounding area and worked with people with dementia, their families, healthcare professionals and community groups to bring about change in dementia care. Project reference number 3181

Individualised Supports
Cork CHO Area 4 €100,000 2014
HSE St Raphael’s Cork

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.


Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Cork CHO Area 4 €741,000 2018
Cork Community Health Organisation & Cork Local Authority

Cork CHO and Cork Local Authority will develop a comprehensive Housing First approach, providing 40 tenancies for homeless people in the region, as well as creating greater links between the health supports and the housing service. 

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Cork CHO Area 4 €1,100,000 2019
St. Raphael's Centre, Intellectual Disability Services

This project supported ten people to move to their own homes in the community to help facilitate the closure of the institutional setting. Six people have moved to living in the community to date, while the remaining people are moving towards independent living at an individualised pace. Project reference number 64

Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €80,000 2011
Grove House, HSE South

This project supported four people to move from an institution to live in their own home in the community. The participants were supported to chose their own home and the supports they felt they required. The use of mainstream supports was actively encouraged and helped to promote links within the locality. Project reference number 915  

Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €110,000 2012
Brothers of Charity, Southern Services

This project developed a Home Share /Contract families where families provide in home respite to people who has always accessed institutional-based respite. Over 700 days and 400 nights respite were provided and helped to develop a thriving network of host families in the local area. Project reference number 862

Alternative Respite
Cork CHO Area 4 €105,700 2012
Irish Autism Action

This project offered a volunteer supported, home-based respite programme for 18 families. To date, over 5,000 home-based respite hours have been provided, demonstrating an alternative to institutional-based respite for people living with autism. Project reference number 931

Alternative Respite
Cork CHO Area 4 €75,000 2012
COPE Foundation

This project is providing a community-based day service for school leavers with intellectual disability and/or autism by linking these young people with mainstream facilities in their communities. 30 people took part in various training modules and work experience as per their areas of interest and one person became self-employed. Project reference number 1396

Supporting Young People
Cork CHO Area 4 €116,000 2012
Headway Ireland - The National Head Injuries Association

This project implemented an advocacy training programme specifically targeted at fulfilling identified needs of people using Headway services. Project reference number 911

Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €2,541 2012
Inclusion Ireland

This project supported nine people with an intellectual disability with training in order to educate their peers and service providers about HIQA National Services. Project reference number 926

Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €10,750 2012
COPE Foundation

This project supported seven people, with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities and mental health difficulties who currently reside within congregated settings to live to a home of their own choosing in the community. The participants were supported to live as independently as possible and to become full and active members of their new communities. Project reference number 2618

Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €66,500 2013
South Lee Social Inclusion Group

This project developed cookery classes and taught five men to cook their own meals as a first step in enabling them to move from an institutional setting to their own homes in the community. The development of this skill and additional individual support helped the five people towards moving to full-time community living. Project reference number S064

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €1,440 2010
Mentored Peer Support UCC

This project engaged 13 students/graduates of UCC as volunteer peer mentors to 26 UCC students who have mental health difficulties, supporting them to stay in college and complete their third level studies. Over 50 hours of individualised mentoring support was provided to each student. Project reference number S155

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €80,000 2010
West Cork Mental Health Services HSE

This project supported people who use mental health services to become actively involved in their own recovery and encouraged a positive and progressive change in values and attitudes towards mental health issues in West Cork. 200 people took part in Trialogue which promotes open dialogue in mental health recovery and over 2,000 people attended community events promoting positive attitudes to mental health. Project reference number S250

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €104,000 2010

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