Organisation | Programme Area | County |
CHO Area![]() |
Amount | Year |
Brothers of Charity Services, Clare The Family Focus project provided extensive support to families to identify and secure the services and supports most relevant for their family member to live as independently as possible in the community. Over the course of the project, one person was supported to move into his own home and 52 family members took part in workshops focusing on various ways of supporting their family member. Project reference number S044 |
Disability Capacity Building |
Clare | CHO Area 3 | €260,000 | 2010 |
St. Joseph's Foundation This project provided an integrated system of social support for independent living for six people who moved to their own homes in the community. During the course of the project eight people, four staff, two community members and six trainers also received training in various aspects of supported, self-directed living. Project reference number 71 |
Disability Community Living |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €45,000 | 2011 |
Daughters of Charity, Tipperary This project supported two people to avail of 54 nights alternative respite with host families in the local community. As a result of this project, the two people have completely moved away from traditional respite services. Project reference number 885 |
Disability Alternative Respite |
Tipperary | CHO Area 3 | €3,794 | 2012 |
Daughters of Charity, Limerick This project set up a Contract Carers Scheme to provide an alternative respite option for children with disabilities in the Limerick/North Tipperary region. Carers and children are carefully matched and trained and the respite break takes place in the carers home. 15 people have used the service and more are hoping to join in the future. Project reference number 893 |
Disability Alternative Respite |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €211,800 | 2012 |
Brothers of Charity Services Clare This project supported 15 young people to become self-employed. The project brought together interested people and community-based support networks with a track record in social enterprise and to develop a tested step-by-step guide for self-employment that can be shared countrywide. Eight of the participants became employed or self-employed by the completion of the project. Project reference number 1415 |
Disability Supporting Young People |
Clare | CHO Area 3 | €80,138 | 2012 |
Áras Folláin Support from people who have ‘been there’ is highly valued by people with mental health difficulties. This project has developed a regional network of peer support in North Tipperary, Clare and Limerick. A total of 242 users of mental health services received training in Wellness and Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) and Advocacy Training and 23 people were trained as trainers to work within the network. Project reference number S283 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Tipperary | CHO Area 3 | €110,000 | 2010 |
Camphill Community Mountshannon This project supported a young person to move from an acute psychiatric unit to live independently in the community. Over the course of the project, 22 staff were also trained in Wellness and Recovery Action Planning (WRAP), peer support training and eight people also attended a Train the Trainer course. Project reference number 25 |
Mental Health Community Living |
Clare | CHO Area 3 | €35,400 | 2011 |
HSE Limerick Mental Health Services This project supported five people to move from institutional settings to live independent lives in their community. In addition, the Moving On project provided training for five people and four staff on transitioning to the community and person-centred planning. Project reference number 77 |
Mental Health Community Living |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €30,000 | 2011 |
Clare Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation & Recovery Service, HSE This project supported the closure of two medium support residences in the mental health services and supported 13 people to move to their own homes in the community. Over the course of the project, 14 people and four staff also received training on Peer Support Mentoring and Mental Health Recovery. Project reference number 99 |
Mental Health Community Living |
Clare | CHO Area 3 | €49,000 | 2011 |
North Tipperary Mental Health Service in partnership with Aras Follain This project developed alternative respite options for people experiencing mental health difficulties and/or their family members in a community-based setting. Overall, 96 people received respite in the community and the project also provided 168 members of community groups with training in person-centred community respite. Project reference number 86 |
Mental Health Alternative Respite |
Tipperary | CHO Area 3 | €75,000 | 2011 |
Rehabilitation Psychiatry Service, Limerick Mental Health Services This project supported five people to move from psychiatric in-patient facilities to become active participants in their own communities. All five people have moved to their own homes in the community with personalised supports. Project reference number 991 |
Mental Health Community Living |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €70,000 | 2012 |
Clare Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation & Recovery Service, HSE This project focused on community living and supporting people to move from a high support mental health unit. It led to the closure of a residential facility and the implementation of supported community living for 14 former residents. Project reference number 992 |
Mental Health Community Living |
Clare | CHO Area 3 | €246,066 | 2012 |
Ballyhoura Development This project supported people with mental ill-health/distress to develop the skills and confidence to achieve personal progression and occupational fulfilment. There were 255 beneficiaries from the initial project. Continuing support if required will be provided by the employment facilitator, staff and support partners. 19 people were also trained as WRAP facilitators/community connectors. Project reference number 843 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €46,250 | 2012 |
Headstrong The project developed a series of peer education workshops entitled ‘It’s Time to Start Talking’ in the area of youth mental health and trained six peer educators to deliver these workshops to other young people in their local communities. The workshops were delivered by 8 trained peer educators on 7 occasions to 156 participants aged 14-19 years. Project reference number 914 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €23,000 | 2012 |
SHINE, HSE Midwest Mental Health Service & Peer Support Centres This project engaged family members at all levels of service in individual care planning, service planning and evaluation. Local consumer panels were developed to feed into the regional mental health services management team. Partnership support was provided by Shine who trained relatives to participate in the provision of peer support, education, training and advocacy. Project reference number 2424 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €75,000 | 2013 |
Limerick Rehabilitation / Recovery Service Mental Health Service This project supported people currently residing in mental health accommodation in Limerick to relocate to a home of their own in the community. A further 12 people are currently awaiting appropriate housing through this project. Project reference number 2353 |
Mental Health Supporting Recovery |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €210,000 | 2013 |
Irish Advocacy Network & HSE Mental Health Division This project developed a model of collaborative working arrangements between people using services, their carers and service providers. This involved capacity building through the enhancement of knowledge, skills, competencies and team building at all levels. Project reference number 3731 |
Mental Health Capacity Building |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €42,120 | 2014 |
University of Limerick - ARIES (Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service) The ARIES project is a recovery focused initiative created by the Mid-West Advancing Recovery in Ireland (ARI) group that seeks to change the culture and work practices within mental health services. This project involves co-production and co-delivery of educational programmes to enable the development of individual supports and that all parties can avail of an educational approach to recovery. Project reference number 3675 |
Mental Health Supporting Recovery |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €75,500 | 2014 |
Clare Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation & Recovery Service, HSE This project assisted seven people towards gaining paid employment based on their individual strengths, interests and preferences. Through the implementation of the Individual Placement and Support model, which emphasises job placement first, followed by support and training, two people gained short-term employment. Project reference number 3694 |
Mental Health Supporting Work |
Clare | CHO Area 3 | €46,150 | 2014 |
Daughters of Charity Limerick/Tipperary Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.
Disability Service Reform Fund (SRF) |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €258,000 | 2018 |
Limerick Community Health Organisation & Limerick Local Authority Limerick CHO and the Limerick Local Authority will work together to provide 30 tenancies for homeless people in the Limerick region. Using a Housing First approach, the programme will also develop and improve wraparound health supports for those using the housing services in the area |
Homelessness Service Reform Fund (SRF) |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €960,000 | 2019 |
Community Health Organisation 3 Mental Health Service Community Health Organisation 3 is focusing on supporting those living in mental health institutions and hostels to move to their own homes in the community, helping people into employment using the IPS model of supported employment, as well as various recovery based initiatives across the region such as the development of person centred discharge planning processes and family supports. |
Mental Health Service Reform Fund (SRF) |
Limerick | CHO Area 3 | €1,500,000 | 2018 |