CHO Area
Organisation Programme Areasort ascending County CHO Area Amount Year
Community Health Organisation 2 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 2 is currently supporting people to secure and obtain employment via the IPS model of employment, and a Housing Coordinator will support the transition of people from residential units and hostels to their own homes in the community.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Mayo CHO Area 2 €200,000 2018
Mayo Recovery Consortium & HSE

This project provided peer support to facilitate people with mental health difficulties to move from institutional care to more independent living situations in Mayo. Over the duration of the project, nine people were supported to move to their own homes in the community, while another person was supported to continue their transition plans. Project reference number 78

Mental Health
Community Living
Mayo CHO Area 2 €195,600 2011
Clann Resource Centre

This project developed a weekly respite drop-in for carers and the person they supported and worked towards developing carer skills based on an individualised, inclusive approach. Project reference number 874

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €14,000 2012
Mayo Recovery Consortium & HSE

This project worked with eight regional HSE sites across Ireland to develop local action plans to implement recovery-focused practice at service delivery level and resulted in the development of the Advancing Recovery Ireland (ARI) initiative as a key project outcome. ARI is now a key programme of the Mental Health National Office and is being rolled out nationally. Project reference number 968

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Mayo CHO Area 2 €209,239 2012
Bredagh House, HSE Galway

This project supported eight people living in HSE accommodation to become more involved in physical activities such as soccer, cycling, swimming and walking which can be very beneficial to mental health and well-being. Project reference number 859

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Galway CHO Area 2 €3,500 2012
East Galway Mental Health Service HSE

This project supported two people using mental health services to receive training in the area of health, fitness and personal training. Project reference number 916

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Galway CHO Area 2 €10,430 2012
South Roscommon Mental Health Services and Brothers of Charity Services

This project supported four people with mental health difficulties and mild intellectual disability to improve their range of choices and quality of life. With individualised support, these people were helped to create lives of their choosing in the community. Project reference number 937

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €101,189 2012
Recovery Team, Mayo Mental Health Service

This project has trained 14 peer support workers and educators as part of a plan to redesign mental health day services across two sites in Mayo. Emphasis was placed on working with people who have lived in institutional settings for long periods of time to build social connections and engage in the community. Project reference number 967

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Mayo CHO Area 2 €701,000 2012
West Galway Mental Health Services

This project provided training for 10 staff in behavioural family therapy to support the families of people with mental health difficulties. Staff reported that the training was beneficial and lends itself to working in mental health care where family input is encouraged, to develop support networks and to work together towards recovery. Project reference number 2422 

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €12,500 2013
HSE West Mental Health Services

This project provided a community-based service which enhanced the lives of 10 people with mental health difficulties living in the Galway City area by becoming actively engaged in their communities. The project created a peer support group for people with mental health difficulties, as a pathway to the development of individual plans for enhanced community inclusion and recovery. Project reference number 2331

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Galway CHO Area 2 €30,000 2013
Galway Volunteer Centre

This project developed training programmes for staff to enable them to support people with mental health difficulties to become volunteers, as well as a parallel training programme for community organisations to provide individualised supports so that people with mental health difficulties can become volunteers. A total of 41 people became volunteers and four have found paid employment. Project reference number 2338

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Galway CHO Area 2 €92,000 2013
Bealach Nua Steering Group

This project trained relative peer support workers to provide a weekly drop in service to families when relatives are in-patients at Mayo General Hospital Adult Mental Health Unit. To date the project has linked with 48 families and 14 families have been supported long term. 160 Family members and staff have availed also of Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT) training. Project reference number 3685

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Mayo CHO Area 2 €56,870 2014
Advancing Recovery in Ireland/HSE WEST

The project involved the setting up of a Recovery College across Roscommon/East Galway mental health catchment area. People using services, family members, carers, mental health professionals and other interested parties in the community have been involved in the co-production, delivery and in attending recovery-focused educational courses. Project reference number 3679

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €76,340 2014
Galway Community Health Organisation & Galway Local Authority

The aim of the programme is to develop and improve wraparound health supports in Housing First tenancies and address the complex health needs of the Housing First participants. Galway CHO and the Galway Local Authority will work together to provide 30 tenancies for homeless people in the region.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Galway CHO Area 2 €918,600 2019
Brothers of Charity, Roscommon Services

This project demonstrated new support options for nine people who were moving out of an institution to their own homes. By providing support tailored to each person, all participants moved to private rented accommodation and were supported to be full and active members of their local communities. Project reference number S002

Community Living
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €58,000 2010
Brothers of Charity Services, Galway

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Galway CHO Area 2 €300,000 2018
Western Care Association

This project supported 12 people with intellectual disabilities who were living in group residential settings to move to their own homes in the community. By working with each person in an individualised way, a tailored plan was developed to support them on their journey. Eight people moved during the course of the project and four others were supported to continue the transition. Project reference number S123


Community Living
Mayo CHO Area 2 €100,000 2010
HSE Aras Attracta Mayo

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Mayo CHO Area 2 €0 2018
Brothers of Charity Services, Galway

The Contract Family Scheme recruited and trained 31 families in Galway to care for children with disabilities in their own homes. The children and the families were carefully matched based on shared interests and demonstrated how respite breaks can be community rather then institutionally-based. The organisation has continued this initiative and a residential respite unit has been closed. Project reference number S024

Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €206,300 2010
Ability West

This project developed Family Networks in Galway which built on the skills of families to advocate on their family member's behalf. 56 families were involved in the project, which also established a family-to-family support network for those involved, which helped to develop support and capacity building for families. Project reference number S136

Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €26,890 2010
Community Health Organisation 2 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 2 will focus on the reform of day services for young people across the region.  This will involve supporting those currently attending a traditional day service through a transition phase to a more person-centered community based service.  These services are Western Care Association, Mayo; Roscommon Disability Support Group; Brothers of Charity Galway; OC Rehab Group; Link Galway and Ability West.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Mayo CHO Area 2 €629,437 2018
Galway Centre for Independent Living

This project analysed the services being provided by the Galway Centre for Independent Living and supported them to obtain optimal benefit from the services and supports available to them. A survey of 300 people was conducted and a Quality & Standards Resource Pack was produced using the feedback generated. Project reference number S265

Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €41,750 2010
Ability West

This project supported 16 school-leavers to avail of respite with families in the community instead of within a traditional residential respite service. 30 families were trained in community respite and the initiative also launched a website on Home Sharing Respite which can be accessed at Project reference number 40

Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €50,000 2011
Western Care Association

This project offered alternative methods of providing families with a break from their caring role, empowering families and allowing children to remain within their own community. Respite was provided for 23 people, while four staff and two family members received training on positive, inclusive future planning for children. Project reference number 47

Alternative Respite
Mayo CHO Area 2 €50,000 2011
Brothers of Charity Galway

This project developed an innovative 'Shared Living Scheme' which supported seven people with severe intellectual disabilities to move from an institutional setting to living with a host family/individual in their local community. This project demonstrated the various living options that can be made available within community living. Project reference number 848

Community Living
Galway CHO Area 2 €201,520 2012
Aras Attracta, Swinford, HSE West

This project supported an individual currently living in an institutional setting to move to a home of his own in the community. By working with the person, an individualised plan based on his own preferences was developed and put in place. The project also built capacity within the service to provide this type of individualised work to other people. Project reference number 856

Community Living
Mayo CHO Area 2 €7,000 2012
RehabCare Galway

This project supported seven people to move from inappropriate settings to more suitable living arrangements in the community. Each person was helped to develop a personal plan to move and also helped to establish links within the community. Project reference number 984

Community Living
Galway CHO Area 2 €62,344 2012
Brothers of Charity Roscommon Services

This project delivered community-based respite for people with learning disabilities. This initiative supported 32 children with alternative respite in the community totalling 925 days overall and providing a real alternative to institution-based respite. Project reference number 853

Alternative Respite
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €73,500 2012

The established Home Sharing scheme was adapted to meet the needs of the deaf community, carefully matching each participant with a mentor who worked with the person to improve personal confidence and develop quality of life opportunities. This project worked with 20 deaf people in the Galway, Mayo and Roscommon area and developed a new Social Mentoring Support Service which can used in other areas in Ireland. Project reference number 892

Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €354,500 2012
Western Care Association

This project offered individually tailored, community-based or home-based respite options to five people. Each person was carefully matched with the respite option in order to meet their wishes and needs. This demonstrates the various respite options available within the community. Project reference number 943

Alternative Respite
Mayo CHO Area 2 €10,000 2012
Western Care Association

This project supported five school leavers with disabilities to experience community-based training, work placements, recreational activities, social roles and community connections.  All five took part in training and work experience based on their employment interests and two people secured full time employment. Project reference number 942

Supporting Young People
Mayo CHO Area 2 €80,000 2012
Western Care Association

The project worked with seven school leavers with disabilities and provided  work placements, recreational activities and training. Seven of the participants took part in various training modules and work placements in their areas of interest. On completion of the project, five people had become employed or self-employed. Project reference number 1445

Disability Mayo CHO Area 2 €108,000 2012
National Federation of Voluntary Bodies

The project ran an intense programme to develop the capacity of people, organisations, communities and government departments who work with people with intellectual disability to achieve their life goals. Project reference number 956

Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €35,000 2012
Brothers of Charity Services Galway

This project enabled six people with significant intellectual disabilities currently living in an institution or other congregated living arrangement to realise the right to independent living and community inclusion. The TRIPLE I project was based on a belief that people with disabilities can and should be part of their communities and that communities can be fully inclusive of everyone. Project reference number 2562  

Community Living
Galway CHO Area 2 €152,000 2013
HSE West Learning Disability Service

The overall aim of this project was to develop and revise the existing Home to Home Scheme in the Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan area which provides home-based respite for 14 children and adults with intellectual disability. The project provided alternatives to existing institutional-based respite in the area and trained host families in respite provision. Project reference number 2487

Alternative Respite
Sligo CHO Area 2 €43,870 2013
Roscommon Dementia Friendly Community Group

This project explored innovative and creative ways of supporting people with dementia to remain in their own home. A Dementia Advisor was central to enabling statutory, voluntary and community agencies to work collaboratively and consider the desired aspirations and outcomes for people with dementia, rather than simply looking at care supports needs in the narrowest sense. Project reference number 3183

Individualised Supports
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €100,000 2014
Alzheimer Society of Ireland

This 3 year project developed a dementia friendly community response for people with dementia to remain connected and engaged with life roles and activities of interest, underpinned by individualised support services tailored to individual needs. Project reference number 320

Individualised Supports
Mayo CHO Area 2 €699,579 2012

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