CHO Area
Organisation Programme Area County CHO Area Amountsort ascending Year
Community Health Organisation 1 Mental Health Services

CHO 1 is focusing on improving services in youth mental health, supporting people transitioning from residential units, hostels and acute units towards independent living and helping people with employment via Individual Placement and Support.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Donegal CHO Area 1 €1,500,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 1 Disability Services

Five reform initiatives were selected that reflect the needs identified through the stakeholder engagement across Community Health Organisation 1 in Day Service Supports & Alternative Respite. These reform initiatives will act as peer models for the process and change involved. The programmes are Social Buddies Programme; Cregg Day Service; Spraoi agus Sport Alternative Respite for Young Adults; Connect Hub, Sligo;Satellite Outreach Programme, and the Ballytivnan Training Centre, Sligo.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Cavan CHO Area 1 €740,418 2018
HSE Cregg House Sligo

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Sligo CHO Area 1 €566,000 2018
Alzheimer Society of Ireland Sligo

This project developed a Home from Home model of community living/alternative respite for 24 older adults with mental health difficulties. Project reference number 841

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Sligo CHO Area 1 €146,266 2012
Leitrim Day Hospital Consortium

This project set out an integrated pathway for people with dementia and their carers from acute / community services, day hospital and home. This helped to facilitate early discharge from hospital, extend life at home for people with advanced dementia and improve quality of life for the person with dementia and their families by providing a comprehensive suite of individualised supports. Project reference number 3186

Individualised Supports
Leitrim CHO Area 1 €100,000 2014
HSE / Training & Occupational Support Services / Physical & Sensory

This project introduced Direct Payments for eight people who were supported by a broker to select the supports which they deemed necessary to live the life of their choosing. Project reference number 2525

Supporting Young People
Donegal CHO Area 1 €85,000 2013
Physical and Sensory Services, HSE Donegal

This project provided training places at Fetac Level 5 for five young people with physical disabilities in a mainstream setting. In addition, one of the participants undertook work experience relevant to their area of interest and one person secured paid employment. Project reference number 978

Supporting Young People
Donegal CHO Area 1 €56,500 2012
Cavan/Monaghan Mental Health Service

Cavan/Monaghan ARI group developed the role of a recovery co-ordinator to deliver on a recovery college for the area. The co-ordinator undertook consultation with stakeholders to develop relevant and meaningful course content in the college and delivered a comprehensive user-led education and training programmes by establishing a Recovery Education Centre. Project reference number 3692

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Monaghan CHO Area 1 €55,000 2014
Cavan Rehabilitation Service

Three young people were supported in their recovery with the specific goal of moving from 24 hour staffed HSE accommodation to independent living. The project offered practical peer support and education about mental illness and supported the people and their families throughout the transition. Project reference number 2449

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Cavan CHO Area 1 €51,929 2013
The Carers Association

CLASS (Carer Liaison and Support Service) was a 1 to1 peer support service for carers and family members of people who required the intervention of the local Mental Health teams. The project supported family carers to facilitate care in the home, early discharge and less frequent admissions to acute care. The project also recruited, trained, supported and co-ordinated 30 volunteers to provide an information and listening service for carers. Project reference number 3776

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Sligo CHO Area 1 €51,000 2014
Monaghan Community Mental Health Team

This project employed a peer support worker to develop an existing psycho-educational programme called the Mental Wealth Programme.  Their role was to provide individualised support to people using services to re-connect with their community, focussing on providing peer support to achieve vocational, educational or other socially valuable roles and to connect people with appropriate services available within the community. Project reference number 3746

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Monaghan CHO Area 1 €40,711 2014
Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services - HSE West

The Moving On Project facilitated an individual with mental health difficulties to move from an acute hospital setting into community-based housing, with personalised and adaptive supports. Project reference number 2427

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Sligo CHO Area 1 €33,705 2013
Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services - HSE West

This project supported two people to move from an acute psychiatric setting to their own homes in the community with personalised and adaptable supports. Project reference number 1001

Mental Health
Community Living
Sligo CHO Area 1 €33,705 2012
Community Rehabilitation and Recovery Service Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Service

This project supported a young girl with severe and enduring mental health difficulties to reconnect with mainstream life. With the support of a Peer Support Worker, this person successfully completed a range of self-identified goals including a Fetac Level 3 computer course, as well as the development of a structured daily routine and personal friendships. Project reference number 834

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Sligo CHO Area 1 €33,400 2012
Spraoi agus Spórt

Spraoi agus Spórt provided after-school, weekend and holiday time activities for children with special needs/autism on a drop-off basis. This provided the parent or carer with respite, while the children availed of tailor-made activity programmes, suitable for each person needs. Project reference number 2417

Alternative Respite
Donegal CHO Area 1 €26,880 2013
Donegal Physical and Sensory Disability Services, HSE North West

This project supported young people with physical and sensory disabilities to learn how to guide their personal assistants to support them in achieving their goals and daily activities. Over the course of the project, 23 people received training, helping to make their transition to adulthood easier. Project reference number S112

Capacity Building
Donegal CHO Area 1 €25,000 2010
Bodywhys & HSE West Sligo MH Services

Based on the concept of peer learning, this project was a direct response to the support and social needs of families and carers of those affected by eating disorders. The project provided a safe, confidential, non-judgemental and supportive environment for families and carers to explore issues related to eating disorders. Project reference number 2508

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Sligo CHO Area 1 €10,558 2013
Dementia Aware Donegal

Rural Families Dementia Support project helped identify ways in which people living with dementia can continue to play a role in their home, community and farms. They provided support and training to carers and people with dementia to enable them to maintain their everyday domestic and farming skills and leisure activities. Project reference number 2327

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Donegal CHO Area 1 €10,000 2013
Donegal Physical and Sensory Disability Services, HSE North West

This project provided respite care for an adolescent boy with significant physical disabilities and mental health difficulties in his own home and community. The main aim of this project was to provide meaningful respite based on his needs and wishes in particular allowing the individual to remain a valued member of his community. Project reference number 2401

Alternative Respite
Donegal CHO Area 1 €8,650 2013

19-21 Westland Square
Pearse St., Dublin 2, D02 YH27, Ireland
Phone +353 1 707 1700
Email [email protected]